Guest Horseback Riding Program
Our comprehensive riding program is designed for the experienced rider, the “first-time” rider, and all riders in between. Please let us know about your riding experience and ambitions so we can best accommodate you during your stay. Each guest is carefully matched with a specific horse for the duration of their stay, based on their experience, height, weight and riding experience.
Our horseback rides are guided by wranglers for the safety of our riders and horses. Typically, there are two rides a day—morning and afternoon (link to full ranch experience schedule). During our peak season, we offer morning Trail, Teen, and Adult rides. Children 6 and older may participate in trail rides. A leaded pony may be available for short rides around the corral for children under the age of 6.

Trail Morning (6+) ride: The trail ride is a great place for children ages 6 to 12, and inexperienced riders to become better acquainted with your horse and the trails. Trail riders will receive training and tips to improve their confidence and riding skills.

Adults Morning (18+): Adult riders will receive training and tips on the first day to improve their confidence and riding skills. Experienced riders enjoy these rides and we pride ourselves on helping beginners gain the skills necessary to participate in exploring our trails with a bit more freedom.

Advancing Ride (13+): Our Advancing Ride is the perfect opportunity for riders who want to improve. On this ride, you will work on improving your control and communication, loping skills, or how to overcome challenges you may be having. The Advancing Ride will quickly increase your confidence and improve your riding experience. Riders 13 and older may qualify to go on this ride.

Afternoon Advanced Ride (13+): This ride is by invitation only. During the week the wranglers will monitor the riding ability of the guests and decide who they feel is ready for challenging trails and loping. Riders 13 and older may qualify to go on this ride.

Teen Morning ride (13+): This ride is focused on riding games and challenges to improve your control and communication with your horse. Experienced riders love these rides and we pride ourselves on helping beginners gain the skills necessary to participate in the fun and games as well. Teenagers may participate in Trail or the Teen ride.

Pony Rides (5 and under): A leaded pony may be available for short rides around the corral for children under the age of 6. (The pony rides are free!) Children 6 and older may participate in trail rides.

Loping Ride (13+): For those who like a little excitement, our Loping Ride is a great way to get the adrenaline pumping. The Loping Ride provides riders the opportunity to use their newly learned skills to lope on a horse. Prior to participating in the loping ride, riders must have participated in the advanced or advancing ride. Riders 13 and older may qualify to go on this ride.

Afternoon Gymkhana Rodeo Practice: This is a great opportunity for riders of all ages, especially those 12 and under, to receive one-on-one training in a controlled environment. Yes, even those under 6 may participate! One rider at a time will practice pole bending and keyhole events at a speed comfortable for their riding ability. Basic riding skills are put to the test and improved in a fun and safe environment. As the week progresses and riding skills continue to improve through the various riding activities offered, riders are preparing to participate in the Friday rodeo. The Friday rodeo is for all riders 12 and under, while older riders can participate in the game ride that afternoon.

Join us for a scenic picnic ride as we traverse a picturesque trail down Black River to our very own mountain swimming hole. This beautiful spot in the canyon is ideal for eating a picnic lunch, swimming, fishing, or just relaxing.
The above-mentioned equestrian activities are part of the Sprucedale Horseback Riding Program and are offered exclusively to Sprucedale guests.
Riders coming for only a single trail ride and who are not registered guests, will have an enjoyable ride but do not receive any additional horsemanship training or riding skills.
Weekly Experience As the week progresses and you continue to improve your skills through rides and rodeo practice, you're preparing for the crowning, Friday riding events: the Sprucedale Rodeo, and the Game Ride! First comes the rodeo where guests challenge one another in timed events. The winners to be announced and awarded later that evening at the Rodeo Party. After the rodeo and lunch, all those, 6 and up, who wish to participate in equestrian games ride together to an outdoor arena where they play trotting and cantering games such as Sharks and Minnows and Capture the Flag! This is a great way to have fun, and enjoy the new horsemanship skills you've learned.
Check out our Guest Riding Program HERE.
The minimum age to rise is 6 years old.
Yes. Each guest is carefully matched with a specific horse for the duration of their stay, based on their experience, height, weight, and riding ability.
No, our insurance does not allow riding double.
Depending on what time of year your reservation is scheduled, you may come across cows on your ride that need to be moved. If you are interested in moving cows, please check out our Cattle Roundup.
We do offer advanced rides at a faster pace, where you may be able to lope or canter. Riders 13 years and older may qualify for our advanced rides. Our younger riders are encouraged to participate in our gymkhana rodeo practice. Advanced rides and gymkhana rodeo practice may be subject to change depending on availability or weather conditions.
We offer cow milking, colt leading, fishing, cornhole, basketball, volleyball, hayrides, western line dancing, bonfires, and a variety of indoor and outdoor games. Activities may be subject to change depending on availability or weather conditions.
Guest Horseback Riding Program
Our comprehensive riding program is designed for the experienced rider, the “first-time” rider, and all riders in between. Please let us know about your riding experience and ambitions so we can best accommodate you during your stay. Each guest is carefully matched with a specific horse for the duration of their stay, based on their experience, height, weight and riding experience.
Our horseback rides are guided by wranglers for the safety of our riders and horses. Typically, there are two rides a day—morning and afternoon (link to full ranch experience schedule). During our peak season, we offer morning Trail, Teen, and Adult rides. Children 6 and older may participate in trail rides. A leaded pony may be available for short rides around the corral for children under the age of 6.

Trail Morning (6+) ride: The trail ride is a great place for children ages 6 to 12, and inexperienced riders to become better acquainted with your horse and the trails. Trail riders will receive training and tips to improve their confidence and riding skills.

Teen Morning ride (13+): This ride is focused on riding games and challenges to improve your control and communication with your horse. Experienced riders love these rides and we pride ourselves on helping beginners gain the skills necessary to participate in the fun and games as well. Teenagers may participate in Trail or the Teen ride.

Adults Morning (18+): Adult riders will receive training and tips on the first day to improve their confidence and riding skills. Experienced riders enjoy these rides and we pride ourselves on helping beginners gain the skills necessary to participate in exploring our trails with a bit more freedom.

Pony Rides (5 and under): A leaded pony may be available for short rides around the corral for children under the age of 6. (The pony rides are free!) Children 6 and older may participate in trail rides.

Advancing Ride (13+): Our Advancing Ride is the perfect opportunity for riders who want to improve. On this ride, you will work on improving your control and communication, loping skills, or how to overcome challenges you may be having. The Advancing Ride will quickly increase your confidence and improve your riding experience. Riders 13 and older may qualify to go on this ride.

Loping Ride (13+): For those who like a little excitement, our Loping Ride is a great way to get the adrenaline pumping. The Loping Ride provides riders the opportunity to use their newly learned skills to lope on a horse. Prior to participating in the loping ride, riders must have participated in the advanced or advancing ride. Riders 13 and older may qualify to go on this ride.

Afternoon Advanced Ride (13+): This ride is by invitation only. During the week the wranglers will monitor the riding ability of the guests and decide who they feel is ready for challenging trails and loping. Riders 13 and older may qualify to go on this ride.

Afternoon Gymkhana Rodeo Practice: This is a great opportunity for riders of all ages, especially those 12 and under, to receive one-on-one training in a controlled environment. Yes, even those under 6 may participate! One rider at a time will practice pole bending and keyhole events at a speed comfortable for their riding ability. Basic riding skills are put to the test and improved in a fun and safe environment. As the week progresses and riding skills continue to improve through the various riding activities offered, riders are preparing to participate in the Friday rodeo. The Friday rodeo is for all riders 12 and under, while older riders can participate in the game ride that afternoon.

Join us for a scenic picnic ride as we traverse a picturesque trail down Black River to our very own mountain swimming hole. This beautiful spot in the canyon is ideal for eating a picnic lunch, swimming, fishing, or just relaxing.
The above-mentioned equestrian activities are part of the Sprucedale Horseback Riding Program and are offered exclusively to Sprucedale guests.
Riders coming for only a single trail ride and who are not registered guests, will have an enjoyable ride but do not receive any additional horsemanship training or riding skills.
Weekly Experience As the week progresses and you continue to improve your skills through rides and rodeo practice, you're preparing for the crowning, Friday riding events: the Sprucedale Rodeo, and the Game Ride! First comes the rodeo where guests challenge one another in timed events. The winners to be announced and awarded later that evening at the Rodeo Party. After the rodeo and lunch, all those, 6 and up, who wish to participate in equestrian games ride together to an outdoor arena where they play trotting and cantering games such as Sharks and Minnows and Capture the Flag! This is a great way to have fun, and enjoy the new horsemanship skills you've learned.
Check out our Guest Riding Program HERE.
The minimum age to rise is 6 years old.
Yes. Each guest is carefully matched with a specific horse for the duration of their stay, based on their experience, height, weight, and riding ability.
No, our insurance does not allow riding double.
Depending on what time of year your reservation is scheduled, you may come across cows on your ride that need to be moved. If you are interested in moving cows, please check out our Cattle Roundup.
We do offer advanced rides at a faster pace, where you may be able to lope or canter. Riders 13 years and older may qualify for our advanced rides. Our younger riders are encouraged to participate in our gymkhana rodeo practice. Advanced rides and gymkhana rodeo practice may be subject to change depending on availability or weather conditions.
We offer cow milking, colt leading, fishing, cornhole, basketball, volleyball, hayrides, western line dancing, bonfires, and a variety of indoor and outdoor games. Activities may be subject to change depending on availability or weather conditions.